Medical biology direction: Established in 2016
Educational direction: 5510900 – Medical biology work
Form of study: daytime
Duration of study: 4 years
Specialty: fundamental medicine
Objective – to train research and scientific pedagogical professionals to address fundamental and practical problems in medical educational institutions, research institutes, scientific centers and other medical institutions.
Specialties of Medical biology can work after graduating from the bachelor’s degree
– General Medicine Teacher in Medical College (microbiology, normal anatomy, pathological anatomy, normal physiology, pathological physiology, histology).
– assistant of doctor – Healthcare system, sanatoriums, medical organizations, medical and sanitary units.
In the following directions:
-Klinik Laboratory Diagnostics
-Klinik-biochemical laboratory diagnostics
– Microscopic diagnosis of biological sytological diagnostics
-Immunogistoximic diagnosis
-Immunobiological and immunoferment diagnostics
-Serological diagnostics
-PZR diagnostics
-Toxicological Laboratory Inspections
Laboratory work on medical examination
-Medical statistics
Graduates of Medical Biology direction do not have the right to practice medical practice!
Distribution of Bachelors in the field of medical biology in the 2017/2018 academic year, according to the teaching and learning content
The address of receiving the documents : The Tashkent medical academy building № 3.
Place of reception of documents: Tashkent medical academy in 3rd building
Medical prophylactic faculty
(Medical –biological faculty)
- History
In 1920therewas founded the State Turkiston Universityat Tashkent that also had the medical faculty. In 1931 there was separated from the University and renamed as the Central Asian Medical Institute.After 1935 it was named the Tashkent Medical Institute.It had four faculties:treatment –prophylactic,protection of maternity and childhood,sanitary-prophylactic and stomatological. In 1933 the sanitary – prophylactic faculty renamed as the sanitary –hygiene faculty.From 1992 till nowadays it is called the medical prophylactic faculty.
This faculty had a great success in the development of the medical sciences and preparing specialists for the whole Central Asian countries. The following medical specialists graduated from this faculty: the academicians Turakulov Ya.X.,Iskandarov T.I., the professors Zairov K.S., Smetanin N.N., Kovaleva ye.P., Gusev M.I., Izmerov N.F., Ubaydullaev A.X., Chichenin P.I., and others.The faculty was headed by several deans like Krijenkov A.N., Georgievskiy A.V., Kampansev N.N., Shtiben V.D., Dixtyar S.R., Akovbyan A.A., Vvedenskiy D.A., Zaxidov A.Z., Babadjanov S.N., Madjidov V.M., Maxmudov O.S., Abduraximov F.G., Magzumov B.X., Demidenko N.M., Tashxodjaev P.I., Katsenovich L.A., Parpiev O.P., Xakimov A.X., Shakirov E.A., Baxritdinov Sh.S., Mirsharapov U.M., Mirtazaev O.M., Zufarov P.S., Nuruzova Z.A., Salomova F.I.From 2016 the 2nd October it is headed by the doctor of science Kulmanova M.U.
- The staff
There are 11 chairs, 1 scientific school with 137 high qualified specialists:21 professors, 34 doctors of science,82 senior teachers and assistants.
- Education:
Nowadays 525 studentsstudyatthemedicalprophylacticfaculty (325 male va 200 female) and 50 students at the medical biological faculty(20 mail and 30 female), the total number is 575.
- Requirements:
- Must have computer and language skills
If the students gain these skills , it will help them in their study, research work in future.
5.If the students fail the exams?
If the students have debts without any reasons they leave the academy. Students who have a list of illness arepermitted to pass the academic tests. During the academic term students who fail at the exams and has 3 or more absences pass exams at the end of the term but can not get a stipend.
6.The duration of the academic year
The study at theMedical biological faculty lasts for 4 years.
7.The purpose:
Medicalbiological: toprepare thespecialists in the scientific specialized centers, research and medical institutions to solve the fundamental and practical problems of the science.
8.Post- graduation period:
Medical biological faculty : physician-laboratory assistant
9.The employment after graduation:
Medical biological faculty: Teacher of the general medical sciences at the medical colleges (microbiology, normal anatomy,pathologic anatomy, normal physiology, pathologic physiology,gystology).
Physician- laboratory assistant of healthcare ,sanatoriums, some institutions and medical sanitary centers of the departments , sport- health complexes, specialists in the diagnostic centers.